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        Another meaning is, because of the new models of the listing gives


          Experience in international brand "random " 1000 Yuan intelligent mobile phone market significance lies in, may change the user on 1000 Yuan intelligent mobile phone " hard in the mainstream market dosomethinpreviouslyunreleased " view.

          Another meaning is, because of the new models of the listing gives users a more cost-effective option, some high price of mobile phone price to also begin to become loose. Most concern is China Telecom iPhone4S bare metal price straight down 500 yuan, price is 4499 yuan. At the same time, other models such as Nokia mobile phone Lumia800C, Huawei C8850 prices in 600~790 yuan.

          Analysis of the industry, high-end brand is primarily by Apple's iPhone extrusion, market awareness and share are dropping. On the other hand, with the Chinese operators of cooperation, using the carrier channel and subsidies, to expand market share and increase profit.

          Without a doubt, mobile phone brand manufacturers are recently frequent pushing the new machine, or by market demand. Ericsson has recently released a report, Chinese intelligent mobile phone penetration rate is only 15%, but 32% of users have replaced the intelligent mobile phone plan ( cycle of 29 months ). According to the Ministry of information data, the next two years, the demand for intelligent mobile phone 278000000.

          At present, China intelligent mobile phone only in first-tier cities gained popularity, the two or three line of the city has not found. From tmall mall provides data, in the low-end price of the mobile phone market share of 76%, and 3000 yuan more than the mobile phone is only 6%.

          Obviously, the thousand yuan intelligent machines will get more favor, international brands and domestic brands of positive competition will accelerate the popularization of intelligent mobile phone. The telecommunications industry expert Xiang Ligang thinks, sufficient competition to the consumer benefits, but the mobile phone manufacturers was immersed in predicament, only operators prefer to subsidize low-cost terminal.

          In the field of intelligent mobile phone penetration in storm, the biggest winner is the chip manufacturers and operators. Telecom operators have more love to see and hear, telecommunications equipment operating cost drops ceaselessly, and the number of users charges also benefit at the same time.


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