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        Electricity price war suffering upstream suppliers: order bursting staff.


        In the price war that press headache for channel contend for in the 3C field of home appliance appears again. Reporters yesterday found, in "the history of the fierce price war " power behind, between the enterprise and supplier were fighting a running out. In addition to a significant increase of order, " channel promotion, manufacturers pay" let suppliers are suffering. In the industry, business enterprise and supplier relationships may be with the " price war " deteriorating.
        Order bursting staff.
        Orders from a single one hundred or two hundred to three hundred or four hundred stations, delivery frequency from an average of once a week to almost every day, a personal computer manufacturing company business department is responsible for Miss Luo practical experience to the "price war " brings the sales volume growth. This should work at 6 every night Miss Luo, successive already 3 days work until eight thirty at night, her job is to handle Jingdong Mall, Suning to buy ( micro-blog ) and tmall ( micro-blog ) platform for businesses and other customer orders.
        In fact, take the Luo, company size, business promotional platform to bring increased traffic simply homely food. But unlike in the past, this a few big business at the same time in the digital 3C and the size of home appliances field of war.
        "The ' five one ' before, all our company responsible for e-commerce customer supply chain colleagues together for a meeting to work. Now, in charge of business sales colleagues must before 3 in the afternoon under a single, so our subsequent work can be completed on the same day in. " Miss Luo said, if you place an order later, transportation departments at delivery time will be busy until the very next day morning.
        Channel price money to earn
        This wave of "the history of the most fierce price war " on the manufacturer's influence far beyond the " overtime ". In addition to shipments soared, more and more ruthless " price " more manufacturers. " Now the business enterprise in the spell the price, for the supplier, is very resource overdraft, obtains eight point income, so the supplier of the market will be relatively cautious. " TCL ( micro-blog ) electronic Business Company vice general manager Liu Wenwu said. In the industry, by "evaporation " out of the two, is a business enterprise to channel " squeezing " results.
        According to a department store brand responsible person said, " channel promotion, manufacturers pay" is actually the guild regulations. " On the whole, in the enterprise that let the line, about half the amount needed to undertake supplier. But ' half ' is an overall ratio, specific who bear much benefit amount, but also the channel operators and suppliers of discourse right. " The source said, big brand assumed the post would be less, some well-known brands even without the need for a price war bill. The visibility is low, the smaller the brand, imputed cost will be higher. " This is in fact the distributors and suppliers game. "


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